
Day4:Aboriginal Taiwanese music

Taichung Bus Station→Formosa Aboriginal(→Sun Moon Lake)。

因為八八水災 路段中斷尚未修復而無法成行
所以臨時決定前往 南投的九族文化村來代替我們原本的行程
為無法將屏東的美麗山林與當地文化予以呈現 深感可惜與無奈 

建議可以去完九族再去日月潭 最近週末都有音樂活動可前往
我們沒有去是因為行程改的有點突然 無法掌握回來時間 所以也很可惜
九族門口有很多計程車跟公車可到達 之後也會有從九族接過去的日月潭纜車 相信要一覽日月潭的美景 不是問題


醬說他很喜歡敲擊那一段 那是他四天下來覺得最棒的音樂 
他們一個人都可以抵三個人用 也太才華洋溢了吧 
還有射箭真的很好玩 喔耶 
喜歡的話幫我們投個票吧 還有獎品拿喔

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----Wafton's Album 相簿-----


也因此來到台灣 你一定要找機會認識認識他們

台灣有不少不同族群的原住民  從最初的九族到現在有十二族 或許還有更多族群在爭取正名
所以一次要認識這麼多原住民的文化  亦或對他們有個初步概念要去哪呢
答案就是九族文化村啦 不過相信大家比較熟悉的是他們的遊樂設施
也因此 我們要好好讓你發現另一個瀰漫著原住民文化的九族囉!! 

因為原住民音樂漸漸受到重視 所以越來越多人願意去賦予原住民音樂的新生命
甚至很多不是擁有原住民血統的表演團體 也借由這原始的生命力 創造出屬於台灣的成就
而我欣賞了九族的原住民音樂後 發現他們有很特別的層面
這幾個不同族群的原住民 或許因為彼此的認識、影響 他們玩出原住民的即興音樂
因為那個舞台  他們把自己的傳統音樂與樂器與其他族的音樂結合 玩出更令人為之一亮的原住民音樂
除了音樂之外 他們還有將不同族群原住民的建築、編織、手工藝、食物、運動、藝術...等真實地陳列出來
讓我想起了韓國的民俗村 細微的程度 讓人真的置身於那個環境般
更讓我驚訝的是 九族把一花一木 一個桌子 一個椅子 都放的恰如其分
你會發現 他的指示牌一點都不突兀  椅子上都是原住民的雕刻作品 

每個細微的關連性 都讓我像尋寶般新奇不已


----------- Trip reviews----------------- 
On the fourth and final day of our Taiwanese music tour, we visited an Aboriginal "theme park" in Nantou. The phrase "theme park" is used reluctantly because this was the most relaxing, beautiful, and genuine place of this sort that one could imagine. It is incredibly well-maintained, well-groomed, and affordible.

A bus took us from Puli up to the park, which is in the mountains of Nantou near the famous Sun Moon Lake. The bus dropped us right at the front gate, and it was a quick walk to the very modern and convenient ski lift which brought up the mountain to the top of the park, and provided stunning views of the surrounding area.

The first performance we saw was at the Naruwan theater. Here we witnessed a medley of traditional rituals,  including courting, marriage, and blessings. The dances were very well choreographed, and there were even points of drama involving ropes and water.

From here we moved on down the mountain a bit to the Pestle music theater, where we were treated to a quartet made up of members from four different aboriginal tribes. They demonstrated mastery over an assortment of instruments, making this one of the most impressive performances of our trip.

Finally, we came upon a performance on the side of a trail  in a sculpture park. There were some performers drumming on a large rock with sticks the size of building pillars, each creating a different sound and combining in beautiful harmony. Behind them, there were several other performers passing smaller sticks between themselves and hitting them together in unison.

In addition to the great musical performances, we also enjoyed great traditional food, saw demos by local visual artists, and got to practice some archery. All in all, this was a relaxing, informative, and all-around enjoyable day, a great finish to our musical tour of Taiwan.

好喜歡他們的石雕喔 好有生命力

醬先生在射箭場 射中了好幾顆氣球說  不愧是叫 雷"強"~

ㄋㄟㄋㄟ跟肚臍是一個臉耶  好可愛

------More Info in Wafton's Blog----欲知詳情按我---- Wafton's Blog-------------

vote for Wafton 幫我們投票吧 還可以抽獎喔

Wafton Taiwan Best Trip "First Day"
Wafton 旅遊達人 第一天

Wafton Taiwan Best Trip "Second Day"
Wafton 旅遊達人 第二天

Wafton Taiwan Best Trip "Third Day"
Wafton 旅遊達人 第三天

 交通資訊 Traffic Info 

﹝九族文化村﹞Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village
南投跟仁友客運都有直達車   可點入連結查詢班次

 最近暑假有促銷活動喔 早上入園只要$490 下午兩點入園只要$350
南投客運也有套裝行程 從台中客運站出發到九族 來回車票 + 九族門票只要$750





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