
Day1:Drumming mixed art and life 

Taipei Main Station→Muzha(lunch)→Hiking→U-Theater(watch show)→36Theater(Druming)
→Ximen(dinner)→Red building

等四天行程都上傳好 喜歡的可以幫我們投個票喔!! 
玩美攝影 贊助(另外三個影片會補放)
Wafton's album  < 我們去玩的相簿

喔耶!! Taiwan, Let's go!!
第一天 我們將要探索台灣音樂經由生命焠鍊與提升後的表演藝術
"禪" 是"優人神鼓"表演的態度
"鼓" 是讓大家了解他們生活態度的媒介  


優人神鼓主張 讓自己"在寧靜中擊鼓"  在鼓聲中 更接近自己

這個地方 就是我們今天要探訪的地方-"老泉山"

白天優美廣闊的山景與台北市景 也吸引著大批的登山客與熱愛挑戰的鐵馬愛好者前往


優人神鼓為了讓更多的人可以更容易接近他們 也在山小下開了"36表演藝術坊" 
提供可表演藝術的場地與資訊  讓喜歡表演藝術的人 有更多的空間可以發揮  

不定期有很多相關課程   當然也有學習太鼓的課程

看完表演  可以親身體會  寧靜與不寧靜中打鼓的差別

---------心得文---------- Trip reviews------------------
We began the first day of our Taiwanese music tour by leaving Taipei city for the nearby mountains to see some famous drummers that we've heard a lot about. The ride on the elevated brown line of the MRT to Muzha station offered some great views of the city juxtaposed with a backdrop of lush, green mountains. 

Leaving the city for the mountains is a surprisingly abrupt transition from sprawling metropolis to secluded trails. After a short time of relaxing hiking, the sounds of nature became punctuated with a rythmic drumming which seemed to be coming from all directions. We soon approached a clearing which featured a stage set to a gorgeous natural background and a few open-air buildings tucked in the trees to the edge. In the nearest of these structures there was a class being held in the special art of drumming that we had come to see.

After enjoying the drumming, we continued on our hike to a temple on the mountain, fueled by the promise of free tea made known to us by some friendly local hikers. The temple did not disappoint, and in addition to the tea offered great sculptures and incredible views of not only the adjacent mountains but also Taipei city itself, including the 101, the design of which is an appropriate compliment to the mountains that surround it.

A short bus ride on a winding mountain road brought us past several small villages and back into the city, where we visited the drum group's urban headquarters. This building serves as an information center, performance hall, classroom, and practice space for the drummers in the city. 

After exploring the drum center, we continued on the MRT to Ximen station, in the heart of Taipei. Just outside the MRT is a place called the Red House Theater, which in addition to being a theater is also home to several small boutiques housing the work of local artists. We browsed through clothing, crafts, and assorted artworks of Taiwanese artists such as the Betel Nut Design group and 0416. There were also many booths set up in the pedestrian area just outside the theater.

As we left this area, we heard music and saw a large crowd gathered across the street. As we approached, we saw a couple of young ladies singing and playing keyboard. It was a great way to end an amazing first day of our musical tour of Taiwan.

- by Jon Renzella

(  我們的行程將從台北市出發,我們會搭乘擁有優美視野的木柵捷運去探訪位於山裡的知名表演團體。
   享受完自然的鼓聲後,遇到一些合善的山友跟我們說樟山寺有免費的熱茶可以喝,所以我們繼續往樟山寺前進。樟山寺一點都沒有讓人失望,不僅有免費的茶還有很漂亮的神像跟引人入勝的風景,不只看的到山 還看的到台北市景跟有名的101,讓比只有被山圍繞的樟山寺,更值得讓人宣揚。

!! -winnie tsai
(Muzha line is a pretty special line to take,you can ride through taipei city and  serve view of taipei.
suggest to take the first box of train,you can feel the speed and wilder view,that's more intresting!!!)

 vote for Wafton 幫我們投票吧 還可以抽獎喔

 交通資訊 Traffic Info

上"老泉山"有很多方法 最輕鬆省時的就是可以先從"木柵動物園捷運站"搭"棕15或小10公車"到樟山寺(約15~20分)
再從樟山寺的步道"走"到優人神鼓劇場 約 (30分) 保險估計 我們大概走二十分就到了

There are many ways to get to U-theater
the easier way to get there is taking the bus "Brown15"、"小10"from MuzhaZoo to ZanShen Temple(about 15 to 20 mins)
then hiking to  U-theater (30mins)


# Wafton旅遊達人小撇步

如果是兩三個人小團體去玩的話 可以試著從別的步道  再搭便車下山  這樣可以省掉往返的時間

山友們人都很好 有些是住在山下的 所以想要體驗台灣人情味的人們不介意的可以試試看喔!!
當然 我們有試 XD 還屢試不爽 在這裡謝謝你們喔!!!爬了一身汗臭還願意載我們 台灣人真是太友善啦!!

# Wafton Tips

You can try hitch-hike down to the moutain,then you can save more time to see other things
Most hikers will glad to give you a ride,you can feel taiwanese kindness.
Ofcouse we tried,we meet really nice hikers,that was a really good memorise!!

直接去表演36房 可從MRT木柵站 坐 "251"、"252"、"棕7"到「景文中學」站下車。

如果要跟我們一樣 先上老泉山再去36房的 要轉搭公車 
先從 樟山寺搭"棕15或小10公車"到政大站 再轉公車 "611" 、"611區間" 或 "步行"(政大離36房僅兩站)

Bus to 36-theater from "Muzha""251"、"252"、"Brown7",get off at "JinWen Junior High School",it's at your right side
Bus to 36-theater from  "ZanShan"︰"Brown15"、"小10", get off at "National Chengchi University",turn to bus"611"or walk pass 2bus stops 
 Rooms Info

MYLKK 日月住宿三重站

777雙人雅房2人/日    不分平、假日 均一價580 , Room for $580
雙人套房2人/日 不分平、假日 均一價780元 , 
Suite for $780
套房2人/日  (..1199  平日999
Suite for $999 (weekend for $1199)

超便宜!!!又好住!!!過忠孝橋的三重 離台北車站只有一站喔
不用櫃檯人員的check in超酷的

It's so cheap! even cheaper than YH,it's a pretty good deal!!
It only takes one bus stop from Taipei st. 
There's no counter to check in,just need to know the "secret number" to get in,it's really cool!!



⊙參考資訊  Others Info

-台北公車票價 全票一人$15 , Bus $15 per each
-MRT台北到木柵 一人$30 , MRT Taipei to Muzha $30
-悠遊卡 Easy Card (price list)  

全票 / 學生票 $500 ( 400元可用金額+100元卡片押金,無記名 )  
優待票 $300元 ( 200元可用金額+100元卡片押金,無記名 )
全票記名卡 $150元 ( 無可用金額,僅能在悠遊卡客服中心申辦 )
悠遊卡搭台北捷運享有8折優惠 ( 現金購買無優惠 ) 
悠遊卡搭火車享有區間票價9折優惠 ( 現金購買以各車種計費無優惠 )




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