
沒想到 一直到二十歲才有這樣的體驗 

(I can't belive that I can experienced this when I already 22 years old)

專業錄音實在太屌啦!!!(Perfessional recording is too cool!!)

這是一個很酷的CASE 光是錄音這塊就超級detail(很講究細節)(this case is different ,only recording but details)

唉呀! 這不是老外嗎?!!(aouuuu!!!is that a forigner?)

沒錯!!我們工作室開始走國際化路線了(Exactlly! our studio is ganna be international)

那位不是義大利人的美國人 要幫健身器材示範DVD配音(the voice dubber wears italia but comes from USA )

名叫Jon 音John (named Jon pronounce the same as John)

我問他有什麼差別 他說只是想少寫一個字罷了

(I asked him what's the difference,he answered just don't need the H)

See!!老外就是這麼豪邁!!!!(See , foreigner is so heronic!!!) 

目前是英文老師 也是個藝術家Artist

因為他是個英文老師的緣故(because of he is an english teacher)

稿上的台灣式英文被他修改了一下(he fix the origenal chinese english scripts)

也因此 錄音多延宕了一天(then we have one day late to record it)

你看!老外喝多喝水耶!! (check it out! he is drinking our water!!!)

當然 還是很順利地開錄了(everying is going great)

在外面看的我整個是傻了眼(and I just got shock outside)

設備跟軟體都讓我傻了眼(the equipments and softwares are all cool!! man!!)

又是一個未知的世界(It's an unknown world!!)

專業的錄音達人 在不到一個小時內(We recorded not even an hour)


還調整了很多聲音的東西 迴音阿 清晰度之類的 (shee da bien..ohooo yeah I don't know how to translate)

唉呦 我不懂啦(whatever I don't understand)

反正就是在掉下巴就對了(I just falled my chin all the time)

希望下次還有機會到啄木鳥錄音室晃晃!!(I hope I have chance to go that place again!!)


國際化 當然要來個英文囉!!

雖然大部分都在喇低賽 XD

英文好的 請多指教嘿!!!



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